Nothoscordum bivalve (L.) Britt., false garlic. Perennial herb, geophytic, bulb–bearing, fibrous–rooted, scapose with 1—2 ascending inflorescences, in range to 20 cm tall; shoots to 5–leaved at flowering, blades eventually withering at tips, glabrous, without odor of onion or garlic ( Allium) when crushed; bulbs to 50 mm deep, spheroid to oblate–spheroid, to 13 × 19 mm, outer coats (old leaf sheaths) thin and membranous, with a set of smaller, white bulblets around base of principal bulb; adventitious roots from base of bulb
Stems (scapes) cylindric, ca. 1.5 mm diameter, green from base upward, white belowground, tough with fibrous core.
Leaves helically alternate, simple and sheathing; sheath to 30 mm long from top of bulb, membranous, extending to or slightly above soil surface; blade > inflorescence, linear, in range to 160 × 1.2—4.3 mm, flat to hemi–cylindric and solid, minutely blunt–toothed on margins, ± rounded at tip, parallel–veined with many veins, midrib absent, not glaucous.
Inflorescence umbel–like, terminal, hemispheric but appearing open, 3—11–flowered usually with 1+ flowers open at once, bracteate, glabrous; bracts at top of scape 2 (= bracklets of outer 2 flowers), sheathing each other and covering flower buds when emerging from soil, not fused, mostly 10—12(—15) mm long and acuminate at tip, parallel–veined, colorless aging scarious and papery, persistent but not reflexed; bractlet subtending pedicels of other flowers absent; pedicel spreading to ascending and often several fused together by membranous tissue.
Flower bisexual, radial, 10—12 mm across, bowl–shaped; tepals 6 in 2 whorls, ± free fusion to 0.7 mm at bases, spreading, ± monomorphic, 6—11(—15), narrowly ovate to elliptic, 2.7—3 mm wide, with raised green midvein (outer tepals), always narrower, narrowly elliptic to widely oblanceolate, 2.1—2.4 mm wide, usually with white midvein not raised (inner tepals), tube greenish alternating white (pale purple), tepals usually white and with green midvein at base changing upward to light purple at tip (variable within population), perianth persistent, papery, and bell–shaped in fruit; stamens 6, thickly fused with bases of tepals; filaments ascending, subequal, free portion 3.8—4.3 mm long (opposite outer tepals) and longer stamens 3.7—4.7 mm long (opposite inner tepals), white, gradually tapered base to narrow at top, glabrous; anthers versatile, dithecal, 1—1.45 mm long, cream to pale yellow, longitudinally dehiscent; pollen cream; nectary beneath ovary and concealed by stamen bases, green patches, producing copious nectar; pistil 1, 4—4.5 mm long, on a green receptacle; ovary superior, shallowly 3–lobed lacking ridges on lobes, ca. 1 × 1.7 mm, white, 3–grooved not crested at anthesis, 3–chambered, each chamber with 3—7 ovules attached to center; style 3—3.5 mm long, white, unbranched, widest just below midpoint; stigma positioned at same level of versatile anthers, terminal.
Fruit capsule, loculicidal, dehiscent by 3 widely spreading valves, 12—15–seeded; capsule before dehiscence top–shaped, with beaklike style base in depression, 5.5—8 × 5.5—8 mm, with remnants of papery perianth adherent to lower half, having 3 principal grooves for dehiscence alternating with short and more shallow grooves at midline of valves only at top.
Seed polygonal with 4—6 faces, 2.5—3.2 mm long, glossy black, face next to chamber wall rounded, other faces flat where compressed by adjacent seed or capsule septum.
A. C. Gibson